Thursday, October 30, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Amazing Seeds

Our amazing seed showing off how it has everything, even food, stored inside! It has everything it needs to germinate and start to grow!

Fiction VS Nonfiction

Here we awe sorting some fiction from nonfiction books! What are the differences??

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Writing Celebration!

We have worked and worked to draft, polish, and publish fantastic personal narratives! Here we are celebrating our accomplishments with our kindergarten (am) buddies. Such an amazing group of writers!

Monday, October 6, 2014

World Geography

We started studying the continents and oceans! We are studying our planet's  7 Continents and 5 Oceans. We are starting large, will look at North America next, then USA, then Missouri and our bordering states. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Botanists At Work!

Here is the amazing botanists of Room 42 doing leaf rubbings and making predictions about leaves! We placed a plastic Baggie over a leaf that was in a tree in front of school. Ask what happened - and why! Be sure your scientist tells you more than it just fell out in the big storm! Ask what happened BEFORE that!