Friday, March 28, 2014

The awesome NASA "Hangout"

We had an awesome opportunity to "hangout" with NASA today. We were part of the Mission X Closing  Ceremony. Mission X is a 6-week international fitness challenge designed for NASA Astronauts who need to improve their fitness before a mission in space. We spoke with 4 NASA representatives and 3 other schools. We have been "Training Like Astronauts" in PE as well in class with science and math activities. It was very interesting to learn from actual astronauts! We listened to some questions and answers from the other schools, as well as ask a few questions ourselves. We watched a video of what a real space stations look like.  We were able to see kids "Dream Stations" and share ours!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Economics Day!

Here is a link to an iMovie of this fun day. Economics Day iMovie!

Here are some awesome pictures. Our class did a great job and everyone had fun and learned so much!

Persuasive Speeches

Click this link to see our amazing persuasive speeches!

YouTube Persuasive Speech Playlist

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Planet Presentations!

Everyone did an OUT OF THIS WORLD job on their Google Presentations! Be sure to check them out in their Google Drives. We especially liked teaching Ms. Whorton's class all we learned! Here is a link to the presentations we made: Google Drive Planet Presentations